Rotary Club of Jamshedpur West - Rotary India

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Total Services 14
#5th Fellowship Meeting

Several members were honoured for becoming Paul Harris Fellows (PHF. . .

#4th Fellowship Meeting

President Rtn. Dr. Amit Mukherjee welcomed the members and guests, . . .

#2nd BOD for the month of August

Information related to projects were shared and many decisions were. . .

#3rd Fellowship Meeting

fellowship. Rtn. P.D. Sahay delivered a speech, highlighting the si. . .

#2nd Fellowship Meeting

President warmly welcomed all members and guests present at the mee. . .

#6th Regular Meeting

 Emphasis on the importance of membership and service, highlightin. . .

#5 Regular meeting

A discussion was held regarding the proposal for a Global Grant for. . .

#1 Board Meeting

The board was updated about the projects done in the month of July.. . .

#4-Joint Installation Of Interact & Rotaract

All the 6 Interact clubs and the one Rotaract club, under RCJW, Ins. . .

#3 Joint Regular Meeting

In this meeting we updated the members and guest about our ongoing . . .

#02 Regular Meeting

WE celebrated the Premchand Jayanti along with Sahyo, a cultural or. . .

#01 Club assembly

The club assembly to discuss about the projects and the approximate. . .

1st regular meeting

The new team of RCJW 2024-25 officially took charge during a sweari. . .

Fellowship Meeting #1

All members who went to Chimti Pahdiia , Bodam for tree plantation . . .